Monsters! have feelings too.
Bleah! I’m a monster! And that’s not too far from the truth either. In order to draw these monsters I had to crawl into their skin and wear their personality as my own. Don’t worry; no monsters were hurt during the production of these paintings.
As it turns out, monsters have the same feelings and personalities as people. Their emotions come across in their posture, just as it does in people. Take a second and look at yourself. You might be slouching with your head down if you are feeling insecure or hurt. Or you may be standing straight and tall with your head up if you are feeling good and strong. Other people can read your emotions through your posture and body language.
Funny how the monster you’re looking at can change how you feel. Same is true between people. If someone is excited to see you, you can’t help but smile back. When we are scared, we look to each other for acceptance and support, which can be provided through a simple smile and welcoming body language.
As a neuroscientist, I’ve studied the emotional centers of the brain and realize how important they are for driving physical behaviors and maintaining mental health. Using these monster illustrations, I communicate the importance of our posture on our physical and mental health.
Monsters! are on display now until September 25th at The Gallery @ Children's National.
Find more of these monsters and how to improve your posture in an activity book by Yaffa Liebermann, Physical Therapist, available on Amazon.